The very idea of perfection is the notion that something is without blemish. This idea is not so far-fetched because, in one way or another, we encounter it in our daily lives. We as humans are used to experiencing perfection in so many ways: the song that comes on the radio and completely caters to […]
Category: Random
The other day I was pondering the topic of Leadership. I can’t remember exactly why. I guess it was one of those days I allow myself to think about anything that interests me. As I took the time to reflect on the things I already know about leadership, I realized there was so much more […]
Category: Random
Machine Learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence that applies mathematical models and statistical methods to teach computers to make decisions towards achieving a goal. The term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ (or AI for short) is used to indicate some resemblance to human intelligence being exhibited by computers or machines. AI systems exhibit behaviour that mimics human […]
Category: Machine Learning
Often times, multiple branches exist in a project and incorporate divergent changes. There is always need to combine these changes in a process that results in a (new or existing) branch that includes changes across the different branches. In the world of git, there are two primary routes you can take when combining changes: Merging […]
Category: DevOps
To recap, a Git commit allow us save a snapshot of our project at a specific point in time. The snapshot makes it possible to retrieve the state of the project at a later time. Git starts to get interesting when you’re collaborating with other developers on a shared repository. First, you need to be […]
Category: DevOps
Now that we have git installed locally, we can start playing around with some of the basic commands. The first thing you want to do is initialise a git repository. As far as I know, there are two ways to accomplish that: Clone an existing Repo Initialise an empty Repo Cloning an existing repo will […]
Category: DevOps
As you progress through your software development journey, chances are you will grapple with projects that vary in complexity. While some projects can be hacked in a weekend, others might demand a much longer time due to considerable effort required in implementation. There’s hardly a relevant software project in existence that does not employ some […]
Category: DevOps