Julian's Notes

Throughout last week, I was unable to shake off an overarching feeling of dread. Usually, I’m not one to allow external circumstances to influence my mood. Life is hard. Shit happens. You can’t take many things to heart. But if you’re a Nigerian like me, then you probably followed the recent protests against police brutality […]

Category: Random

Posted on 25 Oct, 2020

Java developers will agree that Java 8 felt like a huge paradigm shift from Java 7. Java 8 was released in March 2014, and most notably introduced functional programming concepts, lambdas, and the Streaming API. Functional Programming in Java was a huge win for a language that already had a reputation for being too imperative.  […]

Category: Programming

Posted on 11 Oct, 2020

About a few weeks ago, I was mindlessly scrolling twitter when I stumbled on a tweet by Vala Afshar. In the tweet, he mentioned that google came into operation in the late 90s, at a time when there were several search engines already in the market. The tweet also included a nostalgic video clip of […]

Category: Random

Posted on 20 Sep, 2020

Although it’s very possible to code a typical Machine Learning algorithm from scratch, most times we wouldn’t want to do that. The reason is that there are already a bunch of libraries that have been built to solve the common problems you will encounter in the course of implementation. Hence, in practice, it’s always best […]

Category: Machine Learning

Posted on 12 Sep, 2020

Modern frontend development has really gone far. Honestly, if you can remember the early days, you know we’ve come a long way from relying on spaghetti JQuery code to deliver functionality to users. Today we have frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular. These frameworks encapsulate the MVVM and MVC software architecture patterns that make it […]

Category: Programming

Posted on 7 Sep, 2020

The most basic form of machine learning you can do is a Simple Linear Regression. Remember in an earlier post, I mentioned that Supervised Learning is a form of machine learning in which we utilize training data to teach our algorithm to derive a function that can make predictions on new data. SLR is a […]

Category: Machine Learning

Posted on 25 Aug, 2020

As technology has evolved over the years, countless systems have sprung up into existence; each system formed on the basis of the intelligent application of knowledge and design principles. In our line of work, we design and build systems that provide services to our fellow humans. Think of all the great services we enjoy today: […]

Category: DevOps

Posted on 14 Aug, 2020

There is always that moment when you hear a good song playing on the radio or in public and you just wish you could know the name of the song. If you have ever used the music recognition app, Shazam, then you are very much aware of the service it provides. With Shazam, you can […]

Category: Technology

Posted on 14 Aug, 2020

Before we can get started doing Machine Learning stuff, we need to ensure we have the right environment setup. Here’s a list of things you can do to get started coding ML: Install Git Install Python / Anaconda Get comfortable with the Command Line Install Git Git is a version control system that allows tracking […]

Category: Machine Learning

Posted on 14 Aug, 2020

The very idea of perfection is the notion that something is without blemish. This idea is not so far-fetched because, in one way or another, we encounter it in our daily lives. We as humans are used to experiencing perfection in so many ways: the song that comes on the radio and completely caters to […]

Category: Random

Posted on 12 Aug, 2020

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